Acerca de lanuevacrema & lamermelada

JOSE L.CARBALLO,NACIDO EN LIMA-PERU,ESTUDIO EN EL INSTITUTO JOHANN S.BACH,LUEGO EN EL CONSERVATORIO NACIONAL DE MUSICA DE LIMA,GUITARRA CLASICA.ARMONIA E INSTRUMENTACION CON EL MAESTRO CARLOS NUÑEZ.PERTENECIO A LA BANDA DE MUSICOS DE LA GUARDIA REPUBLICANA DEL PERU.MUSICO,COMPOSITOR Y ARREGLISTA DE POPULARES CANCIONES Y GRUPOS MUSICALES,CREANDO UN ESTILO DE MUSICA POPULAR LLAMADA CHACALONERA EN EL PERU.SIENDO MUY RECONOCIDAS SUS OBRAS MUSICALES EN CENTRO-SUDAMERICA,MEXICO,ESPAÑA Y USA. HOY RESIDE EN LOS ANGELES-CA- USA. Jose Luis Carballo is one of the most influential Chicha guitarist in Peru. He grew up in a poor neighborhood of Lima, surrounded by new migrants from the Andes and started playing guitar at a young age. He played traditional and tropical music and later studied classical guitar. Starting in 1973, he played lead guitar for Angel Anibal's group Los Hijos del Sol, whose hit, "Cariñito" was one of the earliest successful attempt at fusing Andean music and cumbia. He also led his own band La Mermelada. In the late 70's, Jose Carballo went on to form La Nueva Crema (named after the band Cream) with back up singer Chacalon and they became the most beloved and most successful chicha band in Peru. Chacalon died in 1994. Carballo now lives in Los Angeles where he still plays with this band La Mermelada.
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